We believe that our objectives will be more effectively achieved with partners that has the same or similar goals.  Our partners sometimes share resources’ or are positioned in such a way that they provide access to the groups or individuals that are in need.

Alberton Lewensentrum Gemeente

 Alberton Lewensentrum Gemeente continues to be a strong partner in our outreach endeavors. The church provides us with a base of operations, they generously share resources and skills and also provides a volunteer base for our projects.

The church community of Alberton LewenSentrum is well know for for the great impact its welfare and outreach programs it has had in the past.  

The Lords Place, Bethal Community Church

 Pastor Pauline from The Lords Place, Bethal Community Church is a community leader in Thokoza and involved in social development and upliftment of children and the elderly in her community.

Persevere Until Something Happens (PUSH)

PUSH, through their Home Based Care program that started in 2003-2005, identified 202 children who have been orphaned & left vulnerable due to HIV/AIDS in the Kliptown, Eldorado Park & surrounding informal settlements. Communities in these areas are poverty stricken with high rate of unemployment, of HIV/AIDS infection & domestic violence. These social problems have caused many children to drop out of formal education and assume responsibility for their ailing parents, their younger siblings and child headed homes.

Eagle Wings Shelter

 Eagle Wings Shelter partner with us by connecting us to about 60 homeless people including 36 Children in Meyerton, Gauteng.

Soldiers for Jesus Ministries

Though their wide network in the biker community Soldiers for Jesus provide contact and distribution point including a wide variety of projects that we can partner with.